Parent Council
Highland Council School term dates can be found here.
Portree High School Parent Council
All parents and guardians of PHS Pupils are automatically members of the PHS Parent Forum. The Parent Forum has elected a parent council which meets twice during the school term. Meetings are held in different parts of the island, to enable parents from more remote locations to attend. We have a very active parent council. The main aim of which is to is to improve communication between parents/carers and the school and to support the school by fundraising. New ideas for either of these activities are always welcome. Get involved!
The key aims of the parent council are:
- To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school; this is inclusive for all parents
- To promote partnership throughout the whole school community including the school staff, the pupils, parents/carers and all people in the wider community with an interest in the school
- To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of our pupils
- To identify and represent the views of parents on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of our pupils
- To raise funds, apply for and receive grants and accept gifts for the benefit of the school
- To enable and facilitate effective communication between the school and all parents/carers