Creative And Wellbeing
Our Creative and Wellbeing Staff
Mr J MacKenzie (Faculty Head)
Mr M Allan: PE
Mr S Preston: PE
Mrs H. Wright: Drama
Miss L. Conneely: Music
Mrs D. MacLeod: PT Guidance (Tianavaig), Music
Ms Cannon: Art & SfL
Miss K Davies: Art (PT)
Mrs W Toner: Art (PT)
Mr I R Finlayson (Piping instructor)
We also have a range of visiting music specialists who teach pipe band drumming, guitar, piano, violin and clarsach.
Our Students in the Creative Arts are involved in a wide and varying range of extracurricular activities, such as the drama group, who present work in both local and Highland-wide venues. Students are involved in a variety of dance groups, and many of our students attend the Highland Schools Orchestra or Choir. We also have a school pipe band, which meet weekly, and have been successful in the National Pipe Band competition.
Our school drama team has been very successful in a variety of local and national competitions.
Our PE team work closely with our active schools co-ordinator Sarah Ross, to run a wide range of extracurricular activities, including badminton, football, dance, kayaking and basketball.
Links to useful websites