Senior Phase (S4-S6)

Students embarking upon the start of the Senior Phase at Portree High School study Maths, English and four further subjects in their S4, at a level appropriate to their needs. Students continue to study English and Maths for four periods a week, with five periods per week allocated for each elective subject. This allows sufficient time to ensure a quality learning experience to achieve success in Nationals for all our students and, for some, provides the best possible preparation for Higher courses. In S5 and S6, students are able to study up to five subjects from the new National Qualifications levels National 3 to National 5, Highers or Advanced Higher. National Courses (excluding English and Maths) are taught as an S4-6 cohort, with Highers and Advanced Highers only usually available to S5/6 Students.
S5/6 students have the opportunity to complete not only 'traditional' academic courses, but can opt to take SQA Skills for Work Courses in Lab Science, Construction, Engineering, Sport and Recreation, a Sports Leader Qualification, National Pool Lifeguard Qualification, National Progression Awards (NPA) in Acting and Performing or Sound Production, Hospitality, or Practical woodworking. There are also opportunities to take a variety of college courses, run by West Highland College, including Higher Psychology, ECDL, Computing, Practical Cookery, Outdoor Adventure, Hairdressing, Construction or Child Care. This year, our school is working with Skills Development Scotland/WHC/SiteKit to pilot a Foundation Apprenticeship in Computing Science for a number of S5 students.