Broad General Education (S3)

S3 is the final year of the Broad General Education phase of Curriculum for Excellence. While still concentrating on offering a broad range of experience pupils have the opportunity to have some personalisation and choice. This is within the curricular areas of
- Expressive Arts: Art, Drama, Music
- Languages and Literacy: English, French, Gaelic
- Health and Well-Being: Home Economics, PE
- Mathematics and Numeracy: Mathematics. Personal Finance
- Religious and Moral Education: RME
- Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
- Social Subjects: Geography, History, Modern Studies
- Technologies: Practical Technology, Graphic Communication
They also continue to work across the curricular areas and continue to develop their skills and knowledge at the level which best suits their progress.
There continues to be a strong focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well-Being across all aspects of learning and every teacher supports pupils with these skills.
We want pupils to have the skills needed to go beyond subject knowledge and to develop a wide range of other abilities that will help in the world of work and in everyday life. Further to the Key Steps awards that pupils take in S1/S2, students will take an SQA Personal Finance award.
Please see the detailed S3 Personalisation booklet in our downloads.