Our Performance Evening involved over 50 of our Young People, who played to a sell-out audience.
Fàilte gu Ard Sgoil Phortrigh Welcome to Portree High School
Our school is a comprehensive and inclusive secondary school, located on the Isle of Skye in the Scottish Highlands; we have 13 associated primary schools throughout Skye and Raasay.
Currently, we have approximately 500 pupils enrolled in the school and 80 staff, with a staying-on rate beyond into S5 and S6 well above regional and national averages. Our campus is a new building, officially opened in October 2010, that has been enthusiastically greeted by all the school’s visitors and pupils. The building also houses a number of community facilities including a swimming pool and the public library.
Mr A Breen, Head Teacher
Our uniform policy and hoodie order form can be found here.
School Handbook-Our updated handbook can be found here.
Rights Respecting School Award
Our school has successfully achieved the first stage of the RRSA. We are looking forward to working towards the Silver (Rights Aware) award this session.
Useful info
Remember that the Pupil Portal contains links to Daily Infomation
Could we ask Parents/Carers to report pupil absence to our absence email
Please also see our Daily Information with relevant information.
4R's of PHS- Ready, Responsible, Respectful, Resilient
School Ethos
Vision Our vision is to strive for excellence and to empower our young people to succeed in learning, life and work.
Values Ready, responsible, respectful, resilient
- To enable our young people to be confident individuals, successful learners, responsible citizens and effective contributors
- To celebrate the distinctive culture of our island community and to value and promote the Gaelic language
- To foster an excellent relationship between the school and the wider community
- To ensure that our young people aspire to reach positive destinations by responding to the changing needs of society, including developing our young workforce and learning for sustainability
- To promote health and well-being ensuring our young people are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible, and included
- To promote high quality learning and teaching, striving to raise levels of attainment and achievement for all
- Working in collaboration with parents, the Residence staff and our partners to promote excellence